Lightroom is the most powerful and easy to use editing software available. This class will start your understanding by explaining file management.
This course is designed to help you import and manage the thousands of images we accumulate at digital photographers. You will develop and understanding of:
1. How Lightroom approaches file management. What is it’s logic.
2. The significance of the LR Catalog file. How to create and backup and restore when needed
3. Adding files that already exist on your hard drive.
4. Importing files from SD cards.
5. How to use external drives and cloud services.
6. Using keywords for managing your files.
7. How to setup and utilize “Collections.”
8. Assigning a ranking to files for sorting.
9. How to delete rejected files.
10. Exporting files – location options, sizes, format, and watermarking.
11. Setting up Shared Folders for public sharing
Lightroom 1 and 2: $60
Individual classes: $35
Payable at start of class