Photoshop (PS) is bundled with Lightroom (LR) in the immensely popular “Adobe Creative Cloud for Photographers” package offered for $9.95/mo. Most people embrace quickly the editing and file management tools in LR, but get quickly overwhelmed by the PS tools. This class will help change some of that!
Lightroom makes a lot of general editing and even some precision editing quite easy. But Photoshop is the ultimate in detail controls and doing more powerful and cleaner edits. During this basic class we will explain some simple tips and techniques that allow you to use tools like:
- Heal/AI Generative Fill Tool/Cloning – Ever want to make something, or someone, go away? Like an unwanted power line in a beautiful landscape, strangers walking into your shot, or removing an unwanted distraction. These are some of my most used PS tools!
- Generative Expand If you want to loosen the cropping of an image
- Sky Replacement – Grey or plain blue skies are a nemesis of Michigan photographers
- Dodge/Burn – You can lighten and darken areas in LR, but in PS it is much more precise and controllable
- Saturate/Desaturate – You can choose a small or large area to add or subtract color from gradually
- Compositing – We show you how to bring multiple items together in to one photo. (The jumping dog example to the right)
- Text Tool – Adding text such as titles to a photo can be quite simple in PS
- Intro to Filters – There are LOT of filters in PS. I will show you a couple of my favs and introduce you to how filters and the filter gallery work
- Scaling – to get exact size and scale of an image
- Sky Replacement – Would you like to replace the flat, featureless sky with something more interesting? PS makes it EASY.
These tools and maybe a couple more, time allowing, will help you start to understand the reason Photoshop is considered the reigning king of photo editing.
Bring a laptop with Photoshop if you have it or just a good notepad and some good questions. Also a couple of images you would like to play with. This is going to be a pretty short class. It’s possible that a second more advanced section may be offered in the near future depending on attendance in this class.
COST: $35
Payable at start of class